Friday, January 16, 2009

#20. Participate in at least 20 outdoor activities. Climbing Arthur's Seat.

December 26, 2008 - Hiking up Arthur's Seat in Edinburgh Scotland.
I have to say, this hike was little more than a tiresome walk up a hill, and I'm tempted to have it count as only half a point. Regardless, it is worth mentioning, and it made me partially undress myself in the middle of a UK winter. I say perspiration equals a successful outdoor activity.

Authors Seat is an extinct volcano sitting on the edge of Edinburgh. The trek isn't as gruesome as one might imagine a volcanic hike to be, and in fact, it was rather pleasant. The entire walk up took about forty-five minutes, and about ten minutes from the top, I shed my outdoor coat and scarf. Be mindful that it was barely over freezing, and the wind from that altitude made it feel that much more frigged. Still, I trekked on, taking off clothes as I went.

Once on top, the sweat was instantly worth it. There, before my eyes, was a panoramic and breathtaking view of Edinburgh.

Of course, it took about two minutes of stagnant sightseeing for me to throw everything back onto my body again. Jacket, coat, scarf, gloves, I have never needed them all at once so desperately before. I had an attractive layer of sweat covering my skin and evaporation has never hurt so much.

Once dressed and above it all, we flew kites and had a picnic until our appendages begged for additional warmth. I could barely hold my sandwich and the cheese (which was still engulfed in it's waxy red shell) was out of the question. There's a certain temperature I can tolerate, and after that, I lose basic motor skills. Peeling, gripping, chewing - forget it. I wanted down.

Still, we were all glad for a reason to imbibe, so we chucked ourselves down and into the nearest pub for a pint; beer jacket included.

Ben hurt all over the next morning and I, well you know, was totally fine. Walking around foreign cities for hours a day will get you into that kind of shape. Want a real workout? Wii Sports Baseball. My body never hurt so much for so long.

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